하동군 재활용

by 공대원



Separate the recyclables and make a green earth. Half of what is thrown away in the pay-as-you-go bag can be recycled, Did you know that about 40% of the collection is discarded even if it is separated by recycling? Plastics, cans, bottles, etc. are used as “resources” through recycling companies when they are cleaned and collected separately after use. Properly sorted recyclables are being traded for money, but are not passed on to the person who discharges them.Recyclables that are properly discharged at the base where the service is applied in Hadong-gun earn points according to their weight.These points will be returned in local currency, gift certificates, cash refunds, etc.Hadong-gun will further develop the smart system and develop services so that users can protect the environment more comfortably. For service inquiries, please contact [email protected].